Holistic Counselling, Tarot, Personal and Spiritual Development

Gain clarity in all areas of life with direction from your own inner guidance through channelling, past life regression and healing old traumas. New insights to your future self.

Jennifer Coombe RN RM Grad. Dipl Counselling. Dipl Appl. Science Community Health Nursing.
I have been a counsellor for over 30 years, during which time I have supported many clients with a large variety of issues, ranging from work and home life, relationships, health and addiction issues and weight problems. I have an eclectic approach and tailor it to suit the individual client.
I first began working with Tarot as a tool for personal development in the 1980's. Since then, I have gained considerable experience in transpersonal counselling, channelling and assisting clients with all life issues.
I come from a background of Nursing and Midwifery, and recognise the significance of mental, emotional and spiritual well-being in relation to health and wholeness. I am able to assist a client to access their own Higher Self, thus enabling them to become more attuned with this aspect of themselves.
My Guides enable a client to see their life from a more integrated soul/spirit perspective which can help dissolve emotional blocks very quickly.
Tarot can help clients explore critical life choices, gain clarity in areas of work, relationships, families and pets and health issues.
I am clairaudient and clairsentient, so am able to sense energies and hear from guides and also departed loved ones. I work with Spirit Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters and Masters of Light.
About image
  • Category: Channelling Spirit Guides
  • Service Duration: 01:00 Hours
  • Address: Mornington VIC, Australia (Map)
  • Price:AU$105.00

  • Melbourne, Victoria, Australia